My Talking Monkey Pal Logo


We all love those talking animal apps out there. The animal in this app however has one major twist - he talks back to you in his own language and everything he says is unique and generated according to actual chimpanzee speech patterns (yes we're totally serious!).

If you love the chattering and screaming of chimpanzees you're gonna love the way this little guy respond to your words. Watch him chatter, scream and go completely nuts depending on his temper and mood.


Release Info

My Talking Monkey Pal will be free to download and will be available soon for both iOS and Android devices.

In the meanwhile you can keep upto date with the game's progress at the development blog which can be found here, and also at the offical facebook page here.

My Talking Monkey Pal © Copyright 2014 Arif Games. All Rights Reserved.